Join your local independent business & community group directory

Reach more customers (or members) on your doorstep with our free  directory.

Join Ilkley Love Your Locals for fee!

Love your local businesses
Love your local businesses
Supporting service businesses

Why do Ilkley businesses need a directory?

Let us shed light on the game-changing benefits that await businesses:

🚀 Enhanced Visibility: Breaking through the clutter becomes effortless as your business enjoys a spotlight in our meticulously organised directory. Say goodbye to drowning in obscurity and embrace a platform that puts your brand in the limelight.

💰 Cost-Effective Marketing: Tight marketing budgets are no longer a barrier. Unlike traditional advertising that demands hefty monthly investments, our directory offers a FREE alternative that ensures your business reaches the right audience.

🤝 Community Connection: Forge meaningful connections with fellow local entrepreneurs and professionals. Collaborations, partnerships, and referrals become second nature when you’re part of a thriving business community.

📈 Trackable Results: Gain insights into your listing’s performance through comprehensive analytics. Monitor clicks, views, and engagement

Free listing

Free for all local businesses & groups

We’ve tried to make it as simple as possible. Create an account and then provide all of the required details about your business:


  • Your business name
  • Contact name
  • Business type
  • Business description
  • Business location map marker
  • Optional address
  • Website link
  • Email link
  • Social media links
  • Logo
  • Main image and additional images 
  • Features (e.g: parking, liability insurance etc)
  • Services/price list
  • …and a few other things.
A few other things to know about before creating your listing:

We’ll review (and sometimes make tweaks) then add your business or group to our directory. This may take up to a week if we’re very busy with other projects – so please be patient.

By adding your business listing you are agreeing to receive updates about this service, future paid service enhancements such as enhanced listings or offers of sponsorship,  as well as insights and special offers from Bluehoop Digital – the local web team behind this website. 

We reserve the right to reject listings that are out of the area, where logos or images do not meet quality requirements or other reasons at our own discretion. 


Love you locals profile page

Are there any special rules that you need to be aware of?

Your location

We are responsible for making sure the listings on this website are accurate and of high quality. To achieve this, we need to make sure that the businesses or group listed are located in Ilkley and nearby areas. This includes places like Addingham and Ben Rhydding, and even extends to areas a bit farther away like Silsden, Skipton, and Otley.

We reserve the right to decline listings for reasons such as being located outside the designated area, images or descriptions not meeting quality standards or any other grounds that we determine at our own discretion.


Business logos should be in a square format and about 500px by 500px and less than 1MB in size.

Gallery images can be any orientation but must be smaller than 1000px by 1000px and less than 1MB in size.

If you don’t have access to specialist image software such as Photoshop or use an online service like Canva, you might be able to resize large images using a free online service such as Bulk Resize Photos.

Adding, editing or claiming listings

When you add, edit or claim a listing you will need our approval before your updates (or claim) go live. This is because we need to check that your listing meets our criteria in terms of location, type, content and images. 

During busy times, it might take up to a week for us to approve your changes and for your updates to go live.  We reserve the right to make changes to your listing content. 

Our right to reject listings

We are responsible for making sure the listings on this website are accurate and of high quality. To achieve this, we need to make sure that the businesses listed are located in Ilkley and nearby areas. This includes places like Addingham and Ben Rhydding, and even extends to areas a bit farther away like Silsden, Skipton, and Otley.

We reserve the right to decline listings for reasons such as being located outside the designated area, images or descriptions not meeting quality standards or any other grounds that we determine at our own discretion.

Looking for more ways to attract more customers online?